Kashipur Solidarity
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ECHOEDDespspite preventive arrests of leaders and activists and armed policeblocking the ways of tribal protesters marching
towards the gate ofVedanta Alumina's Lanjigarh plant, more than 2000 agitators started aprocession at 1.30 PM who than covered
a distance of 2 kms shoutingslogans such as, " Vedanta go back", " Niyamgiri or No Niyamgiri,Vedanta must leave Kalahandi",
" We want development not disaster"before they reached the main gate of the company's illegalconstruction site. The most highlighting
part of the procession wasthe participation of Dongria Kondhs of Niyamgiri armed withtraditional weapons, who joined any public
protest against Vedanta forthe first time. The Dongria's are among the most primitive tribes ofthe country who are present
in the Niyamgiri Hill range only. Themeeting, which took place right in front of the company gate, wasaddressed by a host
of speakers. They included leaders of the movementDaising Majhi (presided over the meeting), Bhim Majhi, tribal womenleader
Maladi Majhi, Com. Gananath Patra, Com Sivaram, RajendraSarangi, Prof. Bhagbat Prasad Rath, Santosh Malik, Rajendra Bharati,Dhabaleswar
Nayak, Satyabadi Naik, BB Thakur, Srikanta, Snehansu andSidharth Naik. Though some of the speakers highlighted theobservations
and recommendations of the CEC, they demanded the ousterof the company from the soil of Kalahandi at any cost. " We have takenan
oath to oust the company from our soil even if the Supreme Courtdoes not listen to the wisdom of its own committee ( CEC )
and ignoretheir report", said some of the leaders. The veteran revolutionaryleader Gananath Patra told us that, he was shocked
to see the " AnilAgrawal Company aggressively going ahead with its construction the local tribal MLA, who is also a minister
in charge of tribaldevelopment has been mobilizing tribals for a dharana in front of thesupreme court in favor of the company
at the time of hearing of thecase. There is a rumor going on in the area that "Vedanta has beenassured by an Oriya judge in
the supreme Court that the verdict willnot go against the company if such a dharana drama is arranged inDelhi". Perhaps this
is the reason why the leaders were looking doublydetermined to drive Vedanta out of Kalahandi. Though the CEC reporthas encouraged
them a lot, they have decided to take the movementtowards its logical conclusion even if the highest judiciary decidesto go
against the people and their wisdom, as it has been the caseanywhere
else.The arrested leaders were released in the night. They included NayanDash and Lingaraj (National Secretary of Samajvadi
Jan Parishad). Oursources in Kalahandi confirm us that police did not arrest SidharthNaik, though such news had reached us
earlier.The meeting and demonstration at the gate of Vedanta\'s illegal plantsite, which successfully took place despite police
repression, hasonce again helped in reviving and strengthening not only the movementbut also its support base in Bhawanipatna.
The 11th November protestprogramme of the locals despite police repression assumes significanceas the ABN AMRO people are
reportedly visiting Vedanta\'s field area onthe 14th and 15th of November 2005.",0] ); //--> activities even though
the CEC report has gone against them". It seemsthe local tribal MLA, who is also a minister in charge of tribaldevelopment
has been mobilizing tribals for a dharana in front of thesupreme court in favor of the company at the time of hearing of thecase.
There is a rumor going on in the area that "Vedanta has beenassured by an Oriya judge in the supreme Court that the verdict
willnot go against the company if such a dharana drama is arranged inDelhi". Perhaps this is the reason why the leaders were
looking doublydetermined to drive Vedanta out of Kalahandi. Though the CEC reporthas encouraged them a lot, they have decided
to take the movementtowards its logical conclusion even if the highest judiciary decidesto go against the people and their
wisdom, as it has been the caseanywhere else.The arrested leaders were released in the night. They included NayanDash
and Lingaraj (National Vice-President of Samajvadi Jan Parishad). Oursources in Kalahandi confirm us that police
did not arrest SidharthNaik, though such news had reached us earlier.The meeting and demonstration at the gate of Vedanta's
illegal plantsite, which successfully took place despite police repression, hasonce again helped in reviving and strengthening
not only the movementbut also its support base in Bhawanipatna. The 11th November protestprogramme of the locals despite police
repression assumes significanceas the ABN AMRO people are reportedly visiting Vedanta's field area onthe 14th and 15th of
November 2005.

Leadership dissuades people from confronting Police on 7th Dec. to avoid bloodshed. Police terror continues in Kashipur area
Kashipur Update 08/12/2004
Latest reports coming from inside Kashipur inform us that over 2000 people had gathered in Kucheipadar (the
focus point of the movement) on 7th Dec. This was inspite of the fact that platoons of armed police have been circulating
to all movement villages, threatening the villagers not to go to Kucheipadar or D. Karal on 7th Dec. and promising another
Maikanch in case people gathered. The police has also been monitoring all the paths to Kucheipadar and D. Karal as well as
checking all vehicles going on the road for people going to Kucheipadar. The leadership, fearing massive bloodshed in case
of confrontation, decided not to go ahead with the program to protest the construction going on in D. Karal.
Meanwhile, the intimidation and arrests by the police continues. The police are specifically targeting people
from Kucheipadar, as it has been the nerve-center of the Kashipur movement. The administration has refrained from sending
people directly to Kucheipadar, most probably in view of the civil society pressure generated on it through appeals to the
Chief Minister and Governor, Orissa. However, it has been arresting anyone who belongs to Kucheipadar from public places.
For example, on 5th Dec., three platoons of police raided the Haat at Dongasil to arrest people who has come there from Kucheipadar
for their marketing. In the ensuing panic in the Hat, one Ajit Majhi, 11 years, son of Late Rama Majhi, Kucheipadar, has gone
missing and has not been found till now. When contacted, the Tikiri police station people have said that they have arrested
some people but were not willing to identify them or tell if Ajit was amongst them. Ajit's parents are still waiting for him.
Another boy from Kucheipadar, Jaganath Sahu, 14, had gone to Tikiri to get his photograph taken for his 10th
Class Board examination forms. It is reported that he was dragged from the Studio and arrested and sent to jail by the police.
The police claims that they have released him but he is not yet reached his home. The police is also checking all vehicles
passing on the road for people going to Kucheipadar. Some Sarvodayis who were going to Kucheipadar to show their solidarity
report that their bus was stopped at Tikiri and boarded by police searching for people going to Kucheipadar.
The Kashipur movement is going ahead with 16th December, 2004, as Martyr's day, and a massive rally is planned
for that date. Three innocent tribals were killed on that date by police firing at Maikanch and people from the Kashipur valley
as well as solidarity groups from across the State are expected to come for this rally.
There is still no coverage of the Kashipur situation in mainstream media. The parallels with how American
media treats going ons in Fallujeh and other cities of Iraq are unmistakable. It illustrates the partisan and biased nature
of Indian corporate owned media which refuses to carry news affecting the interests of Corporate sector.
The story does not end here. Reports reaching Independent media tell us that three raids have been conducted
by the police in Bolangir, Sambalpur and Bargarh (these three places are more than 300 km. from Kashipur) under the direct
supervision of their respective district police heads to arrest three activists working with the people in Kashipur ( Rabi
Pradhan, Saroj Mohanty and Debaranjan). In Bargarh, Samata Bhawan , the office of Samajbadi Jan Parishad (associated with
one of the greatest Indian Socialist leaders, Shri Kishen Pattanaik, who died recently) was also not spared by the police.
Sources inform us that these three activists along with Bhagaban Majhi will be booked under National Security Act (NSA). Already
Non-Bailable arrest warrants have been issued in the name of Sri Prafulla Samantara, Sri Achyut Das, Sri Rabi Pradhan and
28 others. The present strategy seems to be to isolate the main centre of the movement, physically and morally, and then repress
the leaders and divide the movement internally, say reporters and intellectuals who visited Kashipur on the 7th December.
According to them, the police will verify the identity of each individual entering into Kashipur for the forthcoming martyr's
day programme on the 16th Dec., 2004. All outsiders who come to Kashipur to show solidarity with the trinal people will be
dealt with a firm hand, Kashipur police has informed the people on spot.
No MLA has raised the issue of Kashipur so far in the floor of the house, though the Orissa Legislative Assembly
is in session. Last four days have been wasted by the MLAs because of a drama jointly enacted by ruling parties with the active
support of the main opposition Congress party over the Tangarapada mines and Vedanta aluminium, wherein CM, Orissa, is being
asked to resign. The fact that the no one in Opposition Congress is raising the current situation in Kashipur brings out the
true nature of the political elite in the State and their willingness to collaborate with the international mining mafia at
the cost of the tribal people and the poor of Orissa.
It is reported that platoons of CRPF, IRB (created to deal with Naxalite issue) and Orissa State Armed Police
have been heavily deployed in Kashipur. These forces have all been redeployed from the so-called naxalite affected areas in
South Orissa to Kashipur. They raiding villages in the night to terrorise people. For instance on 6th Dec. night, almost 100
armed police raided the village of Baghrijhola and chased the menfolk who went and hid in the nearby dongar (hill). This unleashing
of the might of the State including Security forces raised to deal witt armed insurgency against tribals who are opposing
a private sector mining project is a clear indication of how far things have gone in Orissa. One of the persons who has visited
Kashipur commented "the Administration and the police seem to be acting like "company ra bhadha tiya goonda" (hired goons
of the company) in their dealing with the tribals of Kashipur.
We, the undersigned, express our gravest concern at the continuing spate of human rights abuse
being inflicted by the Orissa state police on villagers whose only ‘crime’ is that they have been
peacefully resisting moves by bauxite-mining multi-national companies to displace them from their land of birth and
Despite the fact that the Fifth Schedule of the constitution guarantees the right of land to indigenous
people, adivasis in the bauxite-rich districts of Orissa face the imminent threat of displacement by aluminium companies.
It is extremely disturbing that the state government of Orissa has consistently chosen to protect the interests
of bauxite-mining multi-nationals rather than the interests of the people it is bound by the constitution to protect.
In 1993, in the wake of globalization, the Orissa government entered into contracts permitting bauxite mining,
with the private company Utkal Alumina International Ltd (UAIL), whose stakeholders included ALCAN of Canada, Hindalco
of India, and originally Norsk Hydro of Norway. Not a single contract took into account the consent of the original
settlers of the land, the adivasis, for whom the contracts implied certain displacement.
We are most concerned
that the Orissa state police on December 01, 2004, launched a brutal lathi charge on 400 adivasis, mostly women, who
had gathered to peacefully protest against the inauguration of a new road to a proposed bauxite-mining site in
Baphlimali owned by ALCAN. As a result, 16 people were critically injured and three women were beaten unconscious.
Since this incident, we understand that Kashipur, a seat of resistance against bauxite mining, has been in a state
of virtual siege. Platoons of armed police with firing orders have occupied Kucheipadar village – the centre
of the struggle. 18 activists of Prakrutik Sampad Surakshya Parishad (PSSP), the umbrella organization of adivasis
spearheading the struggle against bauxite mining, have been picked up from their villages mostly in the night in separate
incidents and are now in jail without access to any possibility of bail.
This is not the first time that adivasis
of Kashipur have faced the threat of industrialization at gunpoint. On December 16, 2000, three adivasis were
killed in Kashipur when police fired on unarmed villagers, associated with the people’s struggle against bauxite
mining. Following international outrage at the incident, one of UAIL’s original stakeholders, Norsk Hydro of
Norway, withdrew from the project in a move that clearly implicated both the UAIL and the Orissa government.
this context, we urge the government of Orissa to take every possible measure to put an immediate end to the abuse
of the human rights of the indigenous people of Kashipur. We believe that development should not be forced but rather
should involve the participation of the people. In keeping with this, we urge the government of Orissa to withdraw
the police deployed in Kashipur and surrounding areas, and immediately release the arrested villagers.
Patkar Nandita Das Dr. K.N. Panicker, Historian Mahesh Dattani, Theatre Personality, Justice Daud Dr.
S. Parasuraman, Director, Tata Institute of Social Sciences Anand Patwardhan, Film Maker Teesta Setelvad, Journalist/Activist
Javed Anand, Journalist/Activist C.K. Chandrappan, M.P K.P. Rajendran, MLA, Kerala Binoy Viswam, MLA, Kerala
Fr. Thomas Kochery, National Fishworkers’ Forum Shashi Kumar, Asian College of Journalism
Here we may discuss any changes with the staffing of our organization. Another area of interest could be significant
developments with the campaign of interest to our supporters
Dear Friends,
As you may be aware, the CEC hearing on Vedanta case is coming up on 28th Feb. This will be the
first hearing after the CEC Fact finding team visit. There are three hearings relating to Vedanta:
No. 564 Regarding Diversion of the forest land and proposed road construction in Wildlife Sanctuary in Kalahandi District,
Orissa by Biswajit Mohanty, Secretary, Wildlife Society of Orissa
---Application No. 571 Regarding appeal against
the illegal bauxite mining on the hills of Niyamgiri and Kalapat & in Forest area in Kalahandi, Orissa by Prafulla
---Application No.579 Regarding For Direction in the matter of Setting up of aluminia refinery by M/s
Sterlite Industries (India) Ltd. in Lanjigarh in Kalahandi District and Rayagada District of Orissa in joint collaboration
with Orissa Mining Corporation by Academy for Mountain Environics, Through R. Sreedhar
The lawyer for the petitions
by Prafulla Samantra and AME is Ritwick Dutta. It is hoped that the CEC may issue a Stay on the construction on
Lanjigarh Refinery.
Meanwhile, the videos provided as exhibits for the supplementary petition to the CEC by
Prafulla Ji have been subtitled in english. The following exhibits are available in these videos (on one CD):
2A: On camera interview with villagers of Borbhatta on attempts to hide felled tree before CEC team visit Exhibit
3: Video recording of wildlife traces and felled trees in Niyamgiri Forest Exhibit 3A: Video recording of quarry at
GPS location 19 39.439N, 83 20.937 E. Exhibit 4: Photographs showing the rich forests on Niyamgiri Mountain Exhibit
no 9 : Statements by Daisingh majhi and others on the beating of tribals of 02/04/2003 Exhibit no 11: Interview by Jama--
Majhi regarding getting beaten up by the police. Exhibit no 13: Interview with local tribal persons on Collector's
Statement, Exhibit no 14 : Interview with tribal persons on evictions, CD No. 1.
Exhibit 15: On camera statements by Subash Majhi, Naba Majhi and Jalandhar Majhi on the beatings they received from the
Sterlite employees on Republic day, 2005 Exhibit 16: Photographs of injuries received by the tribals during the beatings Exhibit
no 18: Interview with persons whose patta land has been forcibly taken over by the Company. Exhibit no 21 : On Camera
Statements by Dana Majhi, Kumti Majhi, and Sukri Majhi of Village Jaganathpur (about Government land being cultivated
by them being forcibly acquired) Exhibit 22: On Camera statements of women and men on the harassment suffered
by the villagers by the Company security employees.
Apart from that there are a few photographs of Niyamgiri hill on
the CD.
The videos are of poor quality in MPEG1 ( given the constraints in which they were produced). Yet one hopes
that media persons may find them of interest, though there seems to a singular lack of interest in the human rights
aspects of the Niyamgiri/Lanjigarh issue in the mainstream press in Orissa and in India.
People who are interested
in getting these CDs may please write to us. We would suggest small donations to cover the cost of production, cost of
CDs and cost of postage.
Nachiketa Independent Media, Bhubaneswar
DESHAPREMI JANA SAMUKHYA, ODISHA (A Front of Revolutionary & Patriotic Parties, Peoples’
Movements, Democratic Groups and Individuals) 2510(J), Kedargouri Area, Rabi Talkies Square, Bhubaneswar-751 002 Phone-
9337112265, 9861013320, 9861083155
Orissa Govt. Using Police Force to Start Alumina Plant
Appeal to All Citizens and Organisations and political parties to Protect the Democratic Rights of the People and the Right
to protect Their Livelihoods and Life by Deshapremi Jana Samukhya and Prakrutika Sampad Surakhya Parishad, Kucheipadar, Kashipur,
1. Under the direct command and the presence of the Rayagada District Collector Shri P.K. Mehrda,
IAS, and SP Sri Sanjaya Kumar on December 1, 2004 the police have brutally attacked and critically injured 16 tribals and
have arrested several of them (Mostly women) when more than 300 tribals and Dalits were protesting against the Government’s
forcible establishment of a Police Station along with a barrack for armed police at the village of D. Karol, near the proposed
Alumina Plant site of UAIL at Doraguda.
2. The critically injured persons have been denied hospital care and they
are now languishing in Rayagada jail. Several injured agitators are reportedly missing.
3. The Government has been
trying to set-up this Police station since a long time but was not successful because of the agitation against the same by
the Kashipur Movement under the leadership of Prakrutika Sampad Surakhya Parishad (PSSP). The Police Station is required by
the company to suppress the Movement and carry out construction activity for the plant under armed police protection.
It interesting to note that while the people of Kashipur have been demanding setting-up of medical facilities and schools
at all Panchayats, the Government chooses to set-up Police stations at huge cost. People ask for medicines and the Government
gives them bullets.
5. On December 1, 2004 when the District Collector & S.P, along with a big police force were
trying to inaugurate the approach road to the plant site and the Police Station, the tribals and local people gathered at
D.Karol and protested the action by the Government. After the Police action in which blank firing, tear-gassing and lathi
charge was resorted to, thousands of protesting tribals and dalits have gathered at D.Karol village. The district administration
has brought in more than 1000 armed police force to the location. The situation is extremely tense.
6. The Kashipur
Tribals and Dalits have been opposing the establishment of the proposed Rs.4500 crore Alumina Plant of the Utkal Alumina Ltd.
(a joint venture of Aditya Birla Group and ALCAN-a Canadian Alumina major). The peoples’ protest has been going on for
the last 12 years as a consequence of which the Company has not been able to lay a single brick at the site in spite of the
strong support by the State Government and all major political parties.
7. The peoples’ protest is based on the
fact that the proposed Bauxite mining and Alumina refinery at Kashipur shall lead to the destruction of their fertile agricultural
land, forests, mountains and perennial water-streams, the very basis of their livelihoods and livelihood of generations to
come. The PSSP has been opposing the project because with Bauxite mining the water holding capacity of the mountains shall
be drastically reduced. The tribals have always believed that Bauxite holds water and is the source of perennial water for
their agriculture and drinking. Nearly 20,000 people shall be affected in 82 villages. The proposed project has employment
potential of only 1000 and that too for only 20 years.
8. The State Government tried to suppress the antimining Movement
by resorting to strong police action, which culminated in the killing of three tribals by police firing at Maikanch on December
16, 2000. After the killings, the Movement has gained even more ground. The Justice P.K. Mishra Commission, set-up to enquire
about the Maikanch police firing, has clearly identified the Officers culpable for the incidence. However, the Government
is yet to take any action. This is inspite of the fact that PSSP has lodged an FIR to this effect on October 19, 2004 after
a rally of nearly 7000 tribals and dalits.
9. After the 2004 election the State Government has taken an aggressive
posture in favour of mega industries and against those opposing mega industries. The Industry Minister Biswabhusan Harichandan
in the floor of the Assembly said that those who protest against Industries would be arrested. The chief Minister in a recently
held Collector’s conference on November 24, 2004 instructed the Collectors and SPs to strongly deal with those who oppose
mega Industries.
10. The Revenue Divisional Commissioner (RDC) of Southern Division and the Collector and the Superintendent
of Police (SP), Rayagada have reduced themselves to the position of project managers of Utkal Alumina Ltd. The major difference
they enjoy vis-à-vis other company managers is that they can bring the power of the State to bear for the advancement of private
corporate interest. Similar to the revenue and police administration in Kalahandi ( Vedant-Sterlite’s Alumina project
in Lanjigarh), the administration in Rayagada is also trying to push the construction of the UAIL project by hook or by crook.
It has resorted to manufacturing peoples’ consent for support of the UAIL Plant through use of force, by bribing a few
persons and declaring benefits for those who would be displaced.
11. The Government has been trying to confuse and
divide the protesters by saying that the Village Kucheipadar (Centre of PSSP) shall not be included under the plant. But this
is a gimmick meant to silence the protesters. In reality all the villages in Kashipur area except very few are against the
project and only the workers of the ruling political parties such as BJD, BJP, Congress and some workers of BSP favour the
construction of the plant.
12. An all party( Congress, BJD, BJP and BSP) rally was organised on November 28, 2004
at Tikiri( 11 km. from proposed plant site) by spending nearly Rs.22 lakhs and trucking nearly 5000 people from outside Kashipur
area. The rally was planned to enter the proposed plant site. While this event was covered widely by all news papers of the
state the fact that more than 2000 tribals led by Bhagaban Majhi, Convener, PSSP blocked the road to the proposed plant site
on the same day was suppressed except one news paper. Shri Anantram Majhi of Congress party, the MLA from Kashipur was seen
to be taking orders from Krushna Mohapatra (the established tribal exploiter and tribal land grabber of Kashipur) the local
BJD leader, for this rally. This indicates clearly that the Congress, BJD, BJP and BSP are one as regards suppressing the
people and favouring the Foreign and Indian Companies who want to loot our resources.
13. The Government is trying
to do all this in order to create a positive environment for rapid industrialisation in Orissa. Incidentally the State Government
has received proposals for an investment of Rs.2, 50,000 crores during the next 5-10 years in big and mega industries. Most
of these investments are in Aluminium, Steel and Infrastructure Industries (Roads, Ports, Power, etc.).
14. It is interesting
to note that this entire investment of Rs.2,50,000 crores shall lead to an employment potential of only 1,75,000 as against
the present unemployment level of 20 lakh (and another at least 20 lakh who are underemployed and who will be loosing employment).
As against this only Rs. 5000 crores if invested in cottage industries, Small and Medium industries and Big Industries shall
create employment of nearly 1 Crore People. The Proposed Kashipur Aluminum plant with an investment of Rs.4,500 crores has
a meager employment potential of only 1000 and that too only for 20 years (after which the Bauxite mines of the area will
be exhausted) as against 20,000 persons who would loose their livelihoods and resources.
15. The core of the issue
is forcible establishment of mega industries at gunpoint that give nothing to the people and takes away their and their future
generation’s livelihoods.. The Government wants to go for rapid industrialization through setting up of mega and big
industries that threaten the livelihood base of the majority of the population. The Rs. 2,50,000 crores planned to be invested
by the corporates in Orissa would lead to displacement of more than 10 lakh families (the GOO has admitted that at least 2.5
lakh people would be displaced as a consequence of 20 mining projects and 5 big dam projects), exhaust its entire mining resources
within the next 50 years, and lead to massive environmental and ecosystem degradation leading to erosion of life sustaining
natural resources for the local people. The indutrialisation would lead to pollution and drying up of all rivers and ground
water in the state.
16. The State’s ruling elites’s obsession with mining and industrialization is a mask
for ruthless stripping away of the environmental and mineral wealth of Orissa for their own personal and class interests.
This is the current face of colonization, where global mining corporates collaborate with the ruling elite of the State to
obtain access to the minerals and other natural resources at throwaway prices. The Tangarpada mines verdict of the High Court
exposes the conspiracy between the ruling class and the corporate sector, where it has ruled that the chromite mine lease
to a private corporate house should be cancelled as the current condition would have led to a loss of Rs. 20,000 crores to
Orissa. Similarly, the bauxite mining lease for the mountains of Niyamgiri and Khandualmali are surrounded by allegations
of large-scale kickbacks. In its greed to sell off the resources of the State, the ruling elite has even omitted to comply
with its own Forest Conservation Act in Niyamgiri, and allowed felling of forests without seeking permission from the Central
Government. The fate of the tribal and poor who stand in the way of this ruthless loot of State’s resources seems to
be bullets and lathis. The massive personal gain by the politicians and bureaucrats explains the extreme haste and interest
with which they are pushing the opening up of the State’s resources to global capital. The desire for development through
industrialization is but a mask – no country or state in the world has become developed simply by exploiting its mineral
resources. The example of Bihar and Jharkhand next door should serve as a lesson. There are a large number of countries such
as Iraq which are being colonized by imperial powers and transnationals precisely because they are rich in mineral resources.
This seems to be that fate that awaits Orissa. The doors for Orissa’s colonization have been opened by World Bank loans
and the administrative reforms facilitated by DFID, pushing the same neo-liberal agendas which have destroyed the economies
of the countries like Argentina, Brazil and Mexico and has pushed masses of those countries to complete destitution and desperation.
It needs to be remembered that the same DFID, seen as the saviour of Orissa, is complicit with the Tony Blair Government in
the imperial loot and destruction of Iraq.
17. The desperate resistance by the tribal people of Kashipur against the
UAIL is therefore not just a struggle against effective genocide of their lives and cultures, but it is also the leading edge
of the struggle against the onslaught of global imperialism and attempt of the international capitalist class to appropriate
the lifespaces and lives of all marginalized people. This struggle must be supported by all progressives.
Appeal: Since, the administration is determined to suppress the people’s movement in Kashipur which is evident from
the fact that despite the protest of tribals and dalits yesterday and the subsequent brutal police action against them, sources
from Rayagada suggest that the collector and SP have gone to the area with more armed forces to repeat the abandoned programmes
of yesterday.
All groups working for the protection of democratic rights of the vulnerable people must get into action
immediately to prevent any further violation of democratic rights of the peaceful tribal agitators.
All Political parties
claiming to be working for the cause of the tribals and dalits and are aware of the implications of the loot going on in the
name of rapid industrialisation should also take exemplary steps to prevent any further atrocities on the people and persuade
the government to abandon the Alumina projects.
We request the media to publicise widely our views and report fairly
and impartially on the actual field situation by organising immediate field trips.
Gananath Patra CPI(ML) Bhalachandra
Sarangi CPI(ML-New democracy) Lingaraj (Samajwadi Janparishad) Shivram CPI(ML-Red Flag) Rajendra Sarangi (Loka Pakhya)
Majhi, Co-convener (PSSP)
This section of the page will highlight significant events and milestones surrounding the campaign. An example could be the
results of our recent campaign drive for donations. With the help of forty volunteers, we were able to raise nearly $25,000.
Thank you to everyone who contributed their time and efforts to make this fundraiser a huge success.